We all feel flat-screen-fatigue. Beyond the obvious void of physical presence, how is this unique fatigue impacting our relationships, and what can we do to mitigate it?
Video connections attempt to replace this three-dimensional load up with a one-dimensional experience. It’s akin to feeding carb-free pasta to a team of triathletes. Our reserves have become depleted and we don’t have a way to fuel up.
Even if you’re back-to-work in your office, reduced face-to-face interaction will be with us for a while. Instead of trying to band-aid the void, why not look to improve upon on our previous norms? When human beings spend time together a large percentage of our connection is non-verbal. We pass in the hallways and nod with a smile so as not to interrupt a conversation.
We participate in meetings with our positivity or curiosity, not always our words. When we meet with the same clients and colleagues regularly, and work with the same team members consistently, our collective non-verbal cues bind our cultural glue.